We should encourage people to leave Mother Gaja Kingdom better than we fund it. Planet Earth is our common Home and is impacted by our self-expression.
8 bln people have wants and needs. The production of new clothing requires a large amount of natural resources. Buying one item used carbon, and water footprint (by 82%). Sustainable practices support our lifestyle in harmony with nature and Mother Earth’s well-being.
We are encouraged to reach net zero carbon by 2030. We should pay attention to how brands create new goods, what they value, and how they communicate with us. What is the real price we pay by buying and the real cost of carbon emissions when brands encourage us to make larger purchases?
E.G. PanGaia one of the most sustainable brands on our planet shows its brand commitment to responsible manufacturing, life cycle, giving back, circularity, and biodiversity.
Willing buyer meets willing seller.
Buyer and seller is a relationship that is based on what we value, our state of consciousness. Both sides should benefit from the exchange.
Prices encode information about what is our current perception of what we pay, the state of education about brand values, resourcefulness (money in our pockets and place of living / vulnerable countries), how sustainability patterns (made from or made in), and self-love patterns are met.
According to David Friedman, people only do things for other people for three reasons — love, money, or force.
As we see an environmental impact the force and money game has failed and we should focus on love, giving back to our planet, and education.
This is how we can generate environmental well-being and take care of our planet and people we don’t know.
According to the United Nations ’23 Agenda:
Nemus and Moss, two environmentally friendly companies from Brazil own 560 hectares of the Amazon rainforest. They have been selling NFTs to fight deforestation in the world’s largest rainforest.
NFTs allow holders to maintain a variety of activities across the land, helping landowners share in their collective abundance and providing sustainability standards. However, the land is not owned by NFT holders.
#1 We are determined to end poverty and hunger in all their forms and dimensions and to ensure that all human being can fulfill their potential in dignity and equality and a healthy environment.
#2 We are determined to protect the planet from degradation including through sustainable consumption and production sustainably managing its natural resources and taking urgent action against climate change so that it can support the needs of the present and future generations.
4All vs For all costs
We need to encourage brands to adopt and share campaigns that support sustainable practices and lifestyles in harmony with nature. This should be one of the major 21st-century marketing goals.
Marketing is still supporting selling products for all costs and not directly promoting environmental harm by directly targeting consumers to buy more.
In other words, Web2’s marketing audience serves KPI’s goals and harmful patterns. Often not aware of what is the real price and the real cost of carbon emissions.
How brands can support our sustainable future?
Brands and communities are obligated towards sustainable patterns of consumption and production that serve a bigger purpose, our planet and humanity.
Campaigns and purpose-driven partnerships with celebrities should inspire and empower young people to achieve a sustainable future now.
Brands’ effort to champion and transform our world with sustainable development can focus on creating social good and change by teaming up with iconic athletes like LeBron James and water Brand LIFEWTR.
When we start creating projects for the right reasons and in a sustainable way, then Web3 technology can support Mother Earth and be one of the solutions for many environmental and human challenges.
Imagine that 8 bln people are giving back now #LOVE
Out Now ツ ‘NFT Glossary’. Calling all cutting-edge creators #GMGM