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The Metaverse isn’t utopian vision.
It’s Reality+ experience.


There is a great discourse around the globe about what the metaverse really is. We can walk many paths because we are at the beginning of the journey to create a new world order that will shape our entire reality & future generations. It’s an exciting time to be here on earth!

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For many Digi-Sapiens fascinations of virtual worlds have been known for decades.

The first time the term ‘metaverse’ was used by Neal Stephenson in his 1992 novel Snow Crash as mirror of behaviors in online communities.

Ready Player One, directed by Steven Spielberg is an excellent example of what we don’t want to experience as a collective of metaverse enthusiasts. In this example, the metaverse is ruled by the corporation system.

Many see a metaverse experience similar to gaming probably by the hype of such digital platforms like Fortnight, Roblox, or Zepeto. However, this experience does not define the metaverse.

There are many LAYERS to understand what METAVERSE really IS.

#1 We are living in a technological movement from the Web2 to WEB3, where the Internet became IMMERSIVE EXPERIENCE (3D). Thanks to VR technology we plug into digital platform. This experience will become easier with the growth of new technological solutions.

#2 Metaverse is strongly connected to the feeling of presence which can be experienced by different people around the world (family, friends, coworkers, fans, customers) and their activities (work, education, events, lifestyle, and many more).

#3 Metaverse is powered by the people where true digital OWNERSHIP & COMMUNITY RULES, PLAYFULNESS & FUN BECAME FIRST.


#5 Is the one METAVERSE or are a Metaverses? The first has no rigid definition (yet). The second we can explore to some point by gaming (Roblox, Sandbox, Fortnite), fashion (Balenciaga, Nike, Gucci), and the music industry (Snoop Dogg).

#6 Metaverse has immense untapped possibilities for all… brands, industries, people, and artists.

#7 Metaverse is a mindset. Digital-first driven culture.

#8 The Metaverse is no a single virtual world is a system of immersive virtual worlds (Decentraland, Horizon Worlds).

Is the future in Virtual Reality the real world?

I believe it became an integral part of real-world experience, REALITY+. Where people hang out, socialize, and explore their potential (education, work, art) in a decentralized ecosystem based on true ownership, community engagement & having fun by making digital assets with great ease and support of cryptocurrencies, NFTs, and blockchain.

This future world exists now to some extent and soon will became mainstream.

There are many giants in the tech industry: Microsoft, Apple, Meta, Amazon, luxury fashion & lifestyle brands: Balmain, Gucci, Burberry, Louis Vuitton, Dolce & Gabbana, Adidas, Nike, gaming industry, startups, and many more, working behind the scenes to deliver the best next step into the Metaverse. Are you ready?

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